Vila Itororó, São Paulo


Can stories from the past help design the future?
Why should a historic housing complex, that was once squatted in, be made public?
How can the public contribute to the creation of a cultural center?

Vila Itororó was built at the beginning of the XXth Century in the heart of São Paulo.

This project consisted of a series of audio interviews and portraits of all stakeholders. Architects, curators, former residents, social activists, construction workers and night watchmen discussed the renovation of this whole block and its transformation into a cultural center. And yes, someone told us about ghosts!

Rather than hosting the content on Soundcloud, I adapted the “Scorsese” audio guide web app code that was recently released on Github by the ACMI team.
I wrote a short blog post about the process of “Cloning Scorsese”.

A longer version of the interviews is also available on

My role: producer, director, creative technologist

31st Bienal, Fundação Bienal de São Paulo


How can we share stories about contemporary art with a larger audience?

The São Paulo Bienal is one of the most popular exhibitions in South America.

I produced and directed interview-based audio guides in Portuguese and English, with a few tracks in Spanish. I made the suggestion to bring on a variety of voices: the 7 guest curators of this edition, some artists and staff from the Bienal Foundation including young educators. According to the Bienal team, it was the most creative audio guide they’ve ever had. Stats showed a strong increase in the number of listeners when compared with previous editions.

My Role: producer, director